Self Help Skills Tips

Read these 5 Self Help Skills Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Spiritual tips and hundreds of other topics.

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How can I maintain a positive attitude?

Maintaining a Positive Attitude

To maintain a positive attitude it is best to keep your thoughts on the positive. Constantly listening to or reading about the negatives in life such as the latest murder case only causes fear and anguish to be the dominant factor in your life. Violence is not the norm though the media makes it appear to be that way. Remember for every act of evil there are a thousand acts of kindness. Look for these acts of kindness and focus on them. Examples of these are the person who took in a stray cat and gave it love and shelter, or the doctor who performed an operation for free to help someone who otherwise could not afford it.

How can I be more at peace?

Overcoming Sorrow

When your life is filled with more sorrow than you think you can handle try this 2 step process. First allow yourself to feel the negative emotions you are experiencing without labeling them. Do not try to understand them. Just bring them into your consciousness. Secondly, take a deep breath and with each exhale imagine that they are leaving you forever. Practice this 2 step process until you find yourself at peace with your sorrow.

How do I find my purpose in life?

Finding your Sacred Path

Keeping a journal of your thoughts and ideas is a good way to understand your true purpose in life. The dominant thoughts in your journal are clues to what your Sacred Quest is all about.

How can I achieve my goals?

You get what you expect

You will usually get what you expect in life. Make it a habit to expect the best for yourself.

How can I overcome depression?

Overcoming Depression

To overcome depression it is beneficial to remember that there are no depressed people, only people thinking depressed thoughts. Saturate your mind with the positive whenever possible and watch how much more joy and happiness will come into your life.

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Guru Spotlight
Candi Wingate