Spiritual Tips

When it comes to Spiritual, we've been there, done that, now serving 82 tips in 13 categories ranging from Attain Spiritual Enlightenment to Stress Management.

How can I attain higher consciousness awareness?

Gratefulness and Happiness

To be happy and at peace stop focusing on what you do not have, and be grateful for everything you do have.

How can I reduce stress in my life?

Love is the answer

Whatever the question, Love is the answer.

How are emotions and spirit connected?

The essence of spirituality

You are not a human being having a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being having a human experience.

How can I overcome my anger?

Ovrcoming anger

When overcome with anger try the following technique. Changing your physiology can change your emotions.

Lay down, put a smile on your face, spread your fingers apart, and relax your body as musch as possible. Stay this way until you find your mood lifting. It is hard to stay angry when you`r smiling and relaxed. Clenched fists and a tense body will cause negative emotions to linger.

How can I find inner peace?

Creating harmony in your life

To create a more peaceful and harmonious life you need to bring peaceful and harmonious energy into your life. You do this by thinking and focusing on the things you intend to create in your life, not the things wrong with your life.

How can I create miracles?

Using Your Intuition

When knowing and using your intuition is very difficult for you to do it is good to repeat affirmations declaring your intuition is working for you. Say phrases such as: “The perfect Divine Solution is coming to me here and now for this I praise and give thanks", or "Divine Intuition is now giving me the perfect solution to (state your problem)".

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Candi Wingate